How Are You Really | Book Review

I’m a long time listener of Jenna Kutcher and The Goal Digger Podcast, so when I saw that she had published a book, I had to get it.

How Are You, Really? is a book I would recommend to anyone who feels stuck in their current life, and dreams of more for themselves.

Some main themes I loved reading in this book are:

Not Living On Auto Pilot

Jenna starts the book talking about her own journey with climbing the corporate ladder, and how something clicked one day that told her “this isn’t for me.” She said that she didn’t want to be just another “butt in a seat”, and as someone who has worked an office job for over 9 years, that’s exactly what it feels like.

She mentioned the “golden handcuffs”, of a job with amazing perks, and the cookie cutter life that we are “supposed to” be living. The golden handcuffs being a job that is “too good to leave”, with great benefits, vacation time, personal days, etc. People are afraid to leave their jobs , even if they aren’t happy, because those golden handcuffs keep them locked in.

Speaking Your Dreams Out Loud

An important step to getting off auto pilot is speaking your dreams out loud. Jenna describes the first time she admitted to someone at her day job that she wanted to be a wedding photographer. Telling people about your passions will make them feel real, and you’ll begin to feel like just maybe these dreams could be a reality.

Hearing Yourself Again

What did 9 year old you dream about? What were her passions, goals, and plans for life? How can you begin listening to that inner voice again? What do you really WANT?

my rating: 5/5

I don’t want to give away any more of the book, because I think you NEED to read this one! Jenna talks about rediscovering play, realizing your worth, fulfilling your visions, and taking steps to living that life you’ve always dreamed of.

As someone who has worked an office job for so long, I resonated with SO much of this book. I am currently taking some action behind the scenes towards fulfilling my passions, and it feels SO good to finally have a plan in place, and see my ideas come to fruition.

Read this book, and let me know what you think in the comments!